Momons are small, magical creatures that have a strong bond with the Tsukis, the girls blessed by the moon. They are typically only a few inches tall and possess unique abilities such as flight, healing, and manipulation of the elements. Momons have a playful and mischievous nature, often playing pranks on their fellow Momons and their Tsukis. They are fiercely loyal and will protect their allies from any harm.
Momons possess a wide range of strengths, which vary depending on their type. Some possess physical strength and can lift objects that are several times their size and others have exceptional speed and agility, which makes them difficult to defeat in battles. As they gain experience and learn new abilities, they can become more skilled and powerful. This growth is unique to each Momon and requires a deep bond between the Momon and their Tsuki owner.
Overall, Momons are incredibly strong and resilient creatures that possess a wide range of abilities and strengths. Their unique abilities, intelligence, and individual growth make them a formidable force in any battle and a valuable asset to their partners.
1 Tsuki = 1 Free Common Momon
Burn 1 Tsuki = 1 (Common Momon)
Burn 2 Tsuki = 1 (Uncommon Momon)
Burn 3 Tsuki = 1 (Rare Momon)
Burn 4 Tsuki = 1 (Epic Momon)
Burn 5 Tsuki = 1 (Legendary Momon)